Artificial Intelligence Can Aid Early Detection of Malignant Liver Tumors

Artificial Intelligence Explored to Aid Early Detection of Malignant Liver Tumors

Early detection of malignant liver tumors is crucial for improving a patient’s prognosis. The most common malignant liver tumor is hepatocellular carcinoma, which is often diagnosed too late because of the difficulty in distinguishing between it and other liver conditions. It’s often said that “time is liver” – delay in identifying and treating hepatocellular carcinoma…

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How Artificial Intelligence Can Help the Global Pandemic

How Artificial Intelligent Can Help the Global Pandemic

New Study shows how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help with the global pandemic. Recently, an (AI) algorithm was able to distinguish between cases of COVID-19, influence, pneumonia, and healthy subjects on CT exams. Chinese researchers published an article online on October 9th yielding a very high accuracy rate. Not only did it have a very…

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Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Sensitive But Not Specific

Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Researchers at the University of Washington and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have developed a machine-learning system that confirms breast cancer diagnoses made by radiologists, a recent paper in JAMA Network Open reports. Skilled diagnosticians differ in their interpretation of radiographic images of different forms of cancer. Concordance among physicians, in recent research…

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How Artificial Intelligence is Improving Radiology Workflows

Robot - Artificial Intelligence is Improving Radiology Workflows

Modern computing technology has improved efficiency in radiology in the same ways that it has in many fields. But many experts expected the benefits of IT on radiology to plateau. But now, the advent of real Artificial Intelligence is breaking down anticipated roadblocks, offering major improvements in the efficiency, quantity, and quality of the work…

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