2020 Radiology Industry Technology Trends

From artificial intelligence (AI) assisting with the reading of a scan

Technological advancements in conjunction with innovative thinking have led to changes in the radiology industry. Today, innovative solutions offer advantages to radiologists and patients. These solutions allow radiologists to deliver higher-quality services, faster than ever before. In addition, some of these advancements can help prevent the radiologists themselves from experiencing burnout. However, determining which technologies…

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Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Sensitive But Not Specific

Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Researchers at the University of Washington and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have developed a machine-learning system that confirms breast cancer diagnoses made by radiologists, a recent paper in JAMA Network Open reports. Skilled diagnosticians differ in their interpretation of radiographic images of different forms of cancer. Concordance among physicians, in recent research…

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New PET tracer and Parkinson’s disease

Michael J. Fox talks about new PET tracer and Parkinson's disease|brain scans and images - x-rays

Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects about 1.2 percent of the elderly population, who are 71 years of age or older, worldwide. In the U.S., it is estimated that 60,000 Americans receive a PD diagnosis each year. Males are one and a half times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than females are. With the anticipated changes…

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How Artificial Intelligence is Improving Radiology Workflows

Robot - Artificial Intelligence is Improving Radiology Workflows

Modern computing technology has improved efficiency in radiology in the same ways that it has in many fields. But many experts expected the benefits of IT on radiology to plateau. But now, the advent of real Artificial Intelligence is breaking down anticipated roadblocks, offering major improvements in the efficiency, quantity, and quality of the work…

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Virtual Reality in Radiology

Virtual Reality in Radiology - Radiology departments are exploring the use of virtual reality in clinical care and radiology training.

Virtual reality (VR) refers to a computer-generated simulation of a near-to-real-life experience that is created using an interactive three-dimensional (3D) image or environment. VR fools the senses by eliminating distractions from the outside world, which provides the user with an immersive experience. Radiology departments are exploring the use of virtual reality in clinical care and…

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