The Pros and Cons of Teleradiology

Teleradiology allows radiologists to receive images electronically. However

Telemedicine uses a variety of technologies to transfer clinical information. The Internet has made it possible for telemedicine to expand across numerous medical specialties, including radiology. Teleradiology refers to the practice of radiologists receiving images to interpret from a facility that is out of the radiologist’s geographical vicinity. This practice is possible because these images…

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Rising Insurance Premiums Push Consolidation in Healthcare to the Limit

Annual insurance premiums for families have now soared past $20K

The state of the health industry continues to undergo digital transformation, comparable to other industries across the globe. Unfortunately, major problems within the health industry, including the consumerization of the health profession, are creating new challenges and risks. The high cost of annual insurance premiums represents one such risk, and as insurance premiums soar to…

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